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Senate backs prayer time;
Ten Commandments in classrooms

Gary Borders

Texas Press Association

Robertson County News

The Texas Senate last week passed a bill to allow school districts to set aside time for in-school prayer and gave initial approval to requiring all schools to post a copy of the Ten Commandments in every classroom. The Austin American-Statesman reported that the two measures were priorities of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who presides over that chamber. “Religious freedom is a bedrock principle upon which America was founded, recognizing our rights come directly from God, not the government,” Patrick said in a statement. SB11 would give districts the option to schedule time each day for employees and students to pray or read “the Bible and other religious texts.” Anyone who participates would have to sign a waiver that they are taking part voluntarily and would not sue the district. State Sen. Sarah Eckhardt, D-Austin, questioned whether the bill violates the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment, which states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” SB10 would require a copy of the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every classroom. A similar measure in Louisiana has been temporarily blocked by a federal judge. Bill filed to abolish Texas Parks and Wildlife Department A Waco lawmaker has filed a bill to abolish the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and transfer its duties to the Texas General Land Office, Department of Agriculture, and Department of Public Safety, the Houston Chronicle reported. State Rep. Pat Curry, R-Waco, filed the bill to disperse TPWD’s various duties but did not respond to requests for comment on what spurred filing the bill. Under his proposal, the land office would take over parks, natural areas, wildlife management areas, fish hatcheries, historic sites, and other public land. The agriculture department would be in charge of conservation and management of native plants and wildlife, as well as hunting and fishing. DPS would manage all law enforcement duties, such as game wardens. Employees of TPWD would be transferred to the agencies overseeing the new duties. TPWD sent an emailed statement, saying in part: “Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is proud of the important role our agency plays in managing Texas land and waters in coordination with our partners and private landowners to provide for hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation. Our 89 state parks welcome more than 9 million visitors each year.” Paxton mulling run against Cornyn in 2026 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is raising money for a possible primary challenge against U.S. Sen. John Cornyn next year, the Chronicle reported. “I think I can win if I have $20 million,” Paxton, 62, told Punchbowl News. Cornyn, 73, spent more than $36 million on his 2020 successful reelection campaign and had $4 million in his campaign account when the year began. He is completing his fourth six-year term as a U.S. Senator. While Cornyn has never won less than 75% in previous Senate primaries, Paxton says he’s vulnerable. “I think it’s just time,” Paxton said. “He’s had his chance. He hasn’t performed well and the voters know it. You can go a long time without people paying attention, and they’re paying attention now.” Bill seeks to improve state’s wildfire response A Panhandle legislator whose district and his own property were affected by last year’s wildfire that burned more than 1 million acres has filed a bill to create a statewide system connecting all first responders and government agencies to the same network, The Texas Tribune reported. State Rep. Ken King, R-Canadian, filed House Bill 13 earlier this month. It would create The Texas Interoperability Council, which would be charged with creating a statewide plan for the use of emergency equipment and infrastructure. King led an investigative committee last year after the wildfires. “The first responder community will tell you it takes three meetings in the middle of a disaster before everybody starts moving in the same direction,” King said. “When that wildfire is moving 60 miles per hour, that’s too long.” A similar measure has been filed in the Senate. As of Sunday, the Texas A&M Forest Service was assisting with 3 active wildfires. The largest was the Pauline Road Fire in San Jacinto County, consuming 2,421 acres and 65% contained. Currently, 147 counties have burn bans in place. Measles cases now top 300 in state The number of confirmed measles cases in Texas now totals 309 as of Friday, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services, with 40 hospitalizations and one fatality. Of that number, 211 have been in Gaines County, in West Texas. All but two of those contracting the disease were not vaccinated, according to DSHS. Declining childhood vaccination rates have left parts of the state vulnerable to a measles outbreak, Dr. Peter Hotez told the Chronicle last week. Hotez is the co-director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. He said he expects the outbreak will continue to grow due to an increase in non-medical vaccine exemptions among Texas children over the past decade. “It’s like a hurricane passing over warm Caribbean waters,” Hotez said. “As long as there’s warm Caribbean waters — in this case, large populations of unvaccinated kids — this epidemic is going to continue.” Two-thirds of the reported cases are in children under the age of 17. Case against state immigration law dropped by DOJ, but others continue their suit The U.S. Justice Department has dropped its lawsuit against a 2023 state law that allowed local and state law enforcement to arrest and deport undocumented migrants, The Dallas Morning News reported. However, El Paso County and two migrant advocacy groups are continuing their case, which is set for trial on July 8. The law has been blocked from being enforced by multiple rulings until the trial is concluded. Under former President Joe Biden, the Justice Department sued Texas, arguing the federal government is solely responsible for enforcing federal immigration laws.

If you don’t straighten up...

Don Forrester


Robertson County News

It wasn’t a veiled threat; the threat was real! During my early childhood, there were several instances when my mother or father would say, “If you kids don’t straighten up, I’m going to pull this car over, and you’ll regret it.” I honestly cannot recall that ever happening, but the thought of being seen on the side of the road and getting hit with a belt was our worst nightmare. My mother never said, “Just wait until your father gets home.” She was the sergeant-at-arms in our family, and if my behavior warranted a spanking, I was always the one on the receiving end. Most often, I became the target because when there was a squabble with my two brothers, Mother would say, “I don’t want to hear another word.” It may have been a misperception on my part, but I felt like my thoughts about what had transpired were never heard. I was the “yes-but” kid. I seldom heeded the warnings given. My resolve to be heard often proved to be against my best interest, resulting in me receiving at least twice the number of spankings as my brothers. Inevitably, it was my mouth that got me into trouble. I only remember one time when my father spanked me, and you might find it hard to believe why it happened. During the spring and summer months, our family often moved outdoor furniture from the lawn under the carport. When the cars were out, it was a great place to enjoy the outdoors. What you probably won’t believe is why I was upset. I have told many people over the years that I’ve been boycotting baseball since I was nine. I didn’t make the First State Bank Little League baseball team, but my brother Ronnie did. I felt like I wasn’t good enough. Our family went to all the games, and it was abundantly clear to anyone in the stands that I was figuratively the “odd man out.” It felt like adding insult to injury. However, what happened with that incident likely occurred even before my baseball experience. At the time, Odessa was home to a minor league baseball team, and Dad had promised we would go to the afternoon game. I don’t remember if it was on a Saturday or Sunday, but I do recall that my parents had unexpected guests who just stopped by to visit. The adults were all seated in lawn chairs under the carport. In front of our guests, I told my dad that if they didn’t go home, we would miss the ballgame. To be honest, I may have said more than that. My dad ended up spanking me with a rope in front of strangers. It was both painful and embarrassing. This remains the only spanking I remember receiving from my dad. Art Linkletter had a television program called “Kids Say the Darndest Things.” One time, my boss from Austin was in Fort Worth, and I invited him along with two colleagues from work to our home for grilled burgers. No sooner had we sat down for dinner than my son Craig announced, “I like Carol, and I like Ann, but why did you invite her?” At the time, Craig was between three and four years old. I quickly suggested to Craig that he might enjoy having a picnic outside. He was enthusiastic about the idea. Truth be told, the General would have happily gone outside for a picnic as well. Craig had verbalized what was on his mind. So, you might wonder what brought all this to mind. It was the phrase: “If you don’t straighten up.” Perhaps this could be a topic for another blog. All My Best!

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50 Years Ago - March 27, 1975
Teenagers Invited to Enter Pageant  

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Margaret Salvaggio

Robertson County News

Girls in this area are invited to participate in the fourth annual Miss Texas Teen-Ager Pageant, which will be held at Clarendon Junior College in Clarendon on May 30-31. The Miss Texas Teen-Ager Pageant serves as the official state finals for the Miss National Teen-Ager Pageant, scheduled to take place in Atlanta, Georgia, in August. Contestants will be evaluated based on their academic achievements, leadership, poise, personality, and beauty. There will be no swimsuit or talent competition. Contestants must be between 13 and 17 years of age as of August 30, 1975. This year’s pageant theme is “What’s Right About America.” The invitation was issued by Mrs. Sybil Shaffer, the executive director of the Miss Texas Teen-Ager Pageant. The reigning Miss Texas Teen-Ager is Miss Cindy Mitchell of Seagraves. Those interested in participating may request further information by writing to: Mrs. Shaffer, 213 Piedmont Avenue, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Comings and Goings Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Banta, along with their children Ronny, Jeff, Rebecca, and Roger, from San Antonio, recently visited his mother, Mrs. Marie Banta. Mrs. John Byerly of Sparks, Nevada, is currently staying with her mother and is expected to remain with Mrs. Banta for several weeks. Guests visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stoney Stubbs included their son, Volney Stubbs, from Dallas, and their nieces, Mrs. Fay Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ealand, all of Jasper. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lutz Jr. of Calvert and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mathews of Hearne were dinner guests one evening at the Bryan home of Mrs. Beth Dick and her son, Dennis. This dinner celebrated Mrs. Mathews’ birthday. Others joining the gathering later in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Danny Dick and Miss Kelly Holley, all of Bryan. Billy J. Softly Recent Honoree Dr. Billy J. Softly, Ph.D., was honored on March 6 at the Black Achievers Recognition Dinner held at the Alameda Plaza Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. The event was sponsored by the Kansas City Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City. Dr. Softly is the Manager of Analytical Methods Development and joined Marion Pharmacy Products in 1971. A graduate of Blackshear High School, Dr. Softly is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rose Ann Softly of Hearne. He obtained his pharmacy degree from Texas Southern University in Houston and later attended the University of Iowa, where he earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physical pharmacy. School Briefs Mrs. Judy Wilkins, a teacher at North Side Elementary, announced that the sixth-grade health and science classes are holding a poster contest. The contest will be divided into three divisions: alcohol, drugs, and smoking. The first place winners in each division will receive ribbons. The deadline for students to submit their posters is Thursday, March 27. High school class officers had their pictures taken last week for the yearbook. Class favorite nominations and elections were conducted this week; the results will be published in next week’s Democrat. The kindergarten classes at East Side Elementary are planning an Easter egg hunt on Thursday, March 27, weather permitting. East Side students will take the California Achievement Tests from April 8 to April 11. Mrs. Linda Hoppe, principal at East Side, announced that the Dale Avenue Plan will be incorporated into the kindergarten program at the school next year. The director and assistant director from the New Jersey project will visit Hearne for an in-service training session with the kindergarten teachers on May 28 and May 29. Easter holidays will begin on Good Friday, March 28, and Hearne students will return to classes on Monday, April 7.

Legion Rummage Sale Announcement


Paul Baker

Veteran's Affairs

Robertson County News

The Franklin American Legion is excited to announce the Franklin city-wide rummage sale happening from April 3 to April 5. You can either rent a space at the Franklin City Park or pay to advertise your own yard sale. For more information on rental rates and advertising, please visit the Franklin American Legion Facebook page or call Lisa at 920-304-9361. This event serves as a semi-annual fundraiser for Legion Post 266, with all proceeds going to assist veterans in need and provide scholarships. Although this is primarily a Franklin event, we encourage residents from nearby communities who are hosting rummage sales during the same weekend to advertise their sales as well. Many bargain hunters enjoy traveling to find great deals! For further inquiries, feel free to contact me at 979-701-6900.

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